Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Update #2

Kim had a rough night and morning. Lots of pain and trying to get it under control was very challenging.  Finally mid morning she was feeling relief. Her hemoglobin was at 7.1 so she needed a blood transfusion (2 units). Our cousin Curt came this morning with Starbucks for Kim (her fav) and stayed all day. It was nice to visit with him. Then Mindy came bearing new jammies and chocolate covered blueberries (her other fav). She got up and sat in a recliner for a couple hours today. She had her pain meds changed and now is feeling a little more comfortable. She also looks 6 months prego due to the co2 used during surgery. She's thrilled about that. Plus, the nurse just referred me to being her daughter. Lol. (I like that. See I am 26) So that's one of the things that keeps her from being comfy. In the last 2 nights we have both had a whopping 6 hours of sleep. So on that note, this is a short update as we are both going to try to sleep before she gets bothered in the middle of the night by blood draws and doctors starting their rounds at 5:45. Nighty night!!! 😴😴😴

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