Sunday, July 26, 2009

Vision Update

July 26th
Well, I did go see the low vision specialist. She recommended progressive glasses (tri-focals). I ordered them that day and just picked them up on Friday. Oh my God, how nauseating. Obviously, I still have many blind spots and am having difficulty finding my focal point for far and near vision.

They told me to try them for a few weeks, yet I think I'm going to trade them in for distance only and get a separate pair for reading. Say your prayers the vision with these glasses starts to work better. I know I am blessed to see at all, but now I'm greedy and want to see the world again like I used to.

Today I received an ClearView machine at the house for a week long trial. It is similar to an overhead projector all in one. It can magnify up to 50 times the size of pictures and print. The screen is 22 inches and allow me to adjust the magnification very easily. I can also now see the words better on my Kindle. Yippee!!

Lots of changes to get used to these days. As always, all your thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated. Going to try a movie tonight with one of my neighbors. Hope the new glasses work well.

July 13th - late entry
Today Steve and I went to see my eye surgeon. My vision today is 20/240 and still unchanged from 4 weeks ago. The good news is the macular hole remains closed and healed. The optic nerve lesion is unchanged. The large lesion has shrunk, scarred and no longer bleeding. The unfortunate news for me, is that he felt that since my vision was unchanged it may be the balance of my improvement.

He said the neurons would continue to redevelop yet he couldn't guarantee anything . Steve and I decided I need to remember that I heal slowly and will remain optimistic. He recommended a visit to a low vision specialist. I have blind spots still in my mid vision. I return for my next check up in 8 weeks.

Kim Gillespie

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