Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Recovery, Day #1

Everything appears to have gone fine with the surgery. During the surgery, the doctor also did a lot of lasering on my largest eye tumor, which was problem what caused a lot of this problem to begin with. The only glitch was when I didn't get pain medication after surgery because my eyes were closed and the nurses assumed I was sleeping! HELLO!

I was able to sleep off and on during the night. My eye still hurts, but the medication is keeping things under control now. I feel fine when I am laying down, but the motion bothers me when I have to move or get up to go to the bathroom. It is especially weird because I am not familiar with the room here.

I will be leaving the hospital around 11:30 and then going across the street to see the doctor before I head home. Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know you are in pain now although I will never know just how much. I wouldn't even pretend to understand a fraction of what you have been going through. It is outside the scope of my limited comprehension.
But I know that you are by far the strongest person I have ever met. I also know that you will pull this one through somehow in the way only you can. God bless..