Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Homeward bound...

After a very long day at MD Anderson yesterday, Kim has been cleared for take-off!

She got her stitches out, her hair washed and blood taken. She spent three hours at the eye doctor. He thinks that it may be a cataract that has caused her recent reduction in vision. This could be removed as an outpatient procedure back in Chicago. That would be fabulous if it could help her see better!

Kim's upper back is very sore today, probably from the long day at the hospital yesterday. She is not looking forward to the jostling that will occur while traveling, but is very excited to see her family! Steve and the kids will meet her at the airport baggage claim this evening : ) (Wish we could capture that on video!) They will share a nice, quiet Thanksgiving dinner at home tomorrow. While she will miss being with her extended family, Kim knows that she will be too sore and exhausted for a bumpy car ride.

Happy Thanksgiving to all! I'm sure we can all agree that Kim's successful surgery is one thing we are all thankful for this year...

1 comment:

Missy Poulos said...


I am so happy you are home for Thanksgiving. Enjoy the holiday and this special time with your family. I am thinking of you often.
