From Steve:
It's 11:30am. 11-12-09
Kim's first night was slightly rough because they did not want to give her too much medication to be able to access her better.
Robin and I got to the hospital about 10:00am. Kim is doing OUTSTANDING. Still some discomfort with neck pain, which is to be expected. Some nausea. Physical therapy came in and Kim walked down the hall with them. PT said she is doing so well, they thought she would be gone by the end of the weekend. We'll see about that.
Should be moving out of ICU today.
SOOOOO glad things went well and Kim is improving. We were praying for all of you all day yesterday! Let us know when Kim is out of ICU - and give us her room number - so we can send flowers or something (shhhhhh).
Can't help noticing how cute (and well)she looks in her pig tails! If she feels as good as she looks, I would say she should be home by this weekend! On a bit more serious note, the ladies in my small group and the prayer team at the Chapel have been praying for Kim as so many other friends of Kim have been. We will continue to pray for a smooth healing journey.
A large groupe of Delta
Zeta's (even those who weren't there with Kim,like me) have been praying. I sent prayer requests on to my email list and have been amazed at the number of responses! People who until now had never heard of VHL have been checking out her site and are so impressed with Kim's positive attitude. She teaches us all something. God Bless and keep praying! Peggy
You are just plain amazing and might I say.... adorable in the pig tails. I am so pleased that all went well and that you will be getting out of there earlier than anticipated. There is an army of people who have kept you close in their hearts and of course in their prayers. Your courage and strength are truly a gift from God. Much love to you!! Missy
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