Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Toughing out another week

After being discharged from Northwestern on Friday, I accompanied Alyssa to a Brownie campout at Camp Timberlee in Wisconsin on Saturday! It sounds like a crazy thing to do, but it was really important to Alyssa and we made some fun memories together. Other than the cold (30's) and rain, we all had a good time. However, I feel like I am still in recovery mode from that...

Today I had photos taken of my eye to see whether I was having any positive or negative results from the Prednisone drug. Apparently, I posed well because the technician said he got some great photos and he spent over an hour taking them! After viewing the photos, the doctor called me this evening and said he feels that my eye looks the same or maybe even a little better. He sees blood in the area, as well as a lot of inflammation. He is not concerned that my vision seems blurrier to me right now. He feels all the changes and flashing lights just means that the drug is having a shocking effect on my eye. Hopefully, this will improve as the blood dissipates and the swelling goes down. Presently, I take 80 mg./day of Prednisone. This is much lower than the 1000 mg I had in the hospital, yet it is making me feel very different, i.e. restless, interrupted sleep, nervous energy & sweaty. The eye doctor is not worried about the short-term effects this will have on my body because he is more interested in saving my eye. On the other hand, my internist is concerned with this high dose and feels it is causing kidney damage and putting stress on my body - my blood pressure is high and my blood sugars are high. My kidney function labs are really bad as well. For now, I am going to take this drug week to week and will follow up with both my eye doctor and medical doctor next Tuesday and Wednesday re: further plans.

Because the doctors do not believe it is dangerous for me to fly, I am leaving for Atlanta tomorrow as scheduled to visit my friend, Sheila. We will just play it by ear regarding our activities and do as much as my body can tolerate. Hopefully, I will feel good. I'd love to see where the Olympics were held. I am very excited to get away, but am not looking forward to the heat. It is supposed to be VERY hot there - about 88-degrees!

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