Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Walking on Sunshine

I just returned from a not-so-balmy, but very relaxing trip to Fort Myers, Florida. It was exactly what I needed!

The day before I left, I had a big scare & was afraid I wasn't going to be able to take the trip. The doctor received my lab work & told me my kidney levels were dangerously high & my liver was having trouble filtering the antibiotic. They told me to immediately stop the IV infusion and I would probably have to go to the hospital to receive the first dose of a new drug. Luckily, they switched me to a drug that I now take once a day over 20 minutes. It is so easy & I feel so much more free! I thought the way I had been feeling was mostly due to the infection. However, once I switched drugs, I no longer have the fatigue, shortness of breath, fevers, difficulty focusing and overall depressed feeling. Within 24 hours of stopping the IV's, I felt back to my normal self. I was even able to walk the beach and went from lying on my couch to riding a camel at the zoo - LOL! I'll post photos at some point...

The nurse comes tomorrow & hopefully this drug is bringing my levels back to normal. I get an MRI on Monday & the 8-week course should be done a week from Monday. Hopefully, this infection is resolving and I can be done with all of this!

Hope you all have (or had) a great Spring Break! I'll post again after my MRI...

And some good news... Not only has my luck changed with feeling better, but the week before I left I got a call from the Illinois State Department of Rehab & was told that they would pay for my handheld magnifier, my computer software which allows me to use my computer again & an acrobat that has a camera that can enlarge any image (e.g. tv, documents, books, even my own face so I can see to put on makeup!). This is HUGE because the cost of these items would be over $5000 & they are not covered by insurance! I'M SO HAPPY!

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