Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Eye surgery has been scheduled!

I had the drain in my leg removed last Monday. Then, I saw the neurosurgeon and he was still not happy with the amount of drainage coming out of my incision near my neck. I still continue with dressing changes twice a day and there is a wound care specialist that comes 2-3 times a week. I finally started physical therapy at home & hopefully that will relieve a lot of my neck pain and tightness of the muscles. I am no longer using the cane & feel pretty steady on my feet. The highlight this week is that I went to see a cataract surgeon in Lake Forest and got promising news! I am scheduled to have surgery next Thursday, January 21st. He said that I have a very severe cataract, so I should notice a significant improvement in my vision once he replaces the lens. If all goes well, I won't even need glasses for distance anymore. Over the next week, I will be having many more doctor appointments to follow up on my incision drainage issue. Hopefully, they will have some good news and be able to close this hole. After this very busy week, I should be up for phone calls again & would love to reconnect with everyone!

1 comment:

Craig Klawuhn @ HerbZone said...
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