Monday, May 11, 2009

Things continue to improve...

Today, Kim had a follow-up appointment with her eye doctor. He says that things are looking good and she must have been very good about keeping her head in the proper position!!! He said the pressure in her eye is normal, which is good. The hole is still closed & the place he lasered looks good (no further bleeding). Her occular tumor is unchanged. She will see the doctor again next Monday and if things keep improving at this rate, she should be able to keep her head up more. She is DEFINITELY looking foward to THAT : )

Regarding her eyesight... Currently, Kim can see about 4-6 inches in front of face (not real clearly, but she can see shapes and colors). The doctor expects that in about 3-4 weeks she should be able to see further, e.g. seeing the television. It may take 3-6 months until she is able to read & even longer than that to see how much total vision she regains. It's unclear what percentage of her vision will ultimately return, but the doctor feels really good about how the surgery went and her progress thus far.

Kim wanted me to be sure to thank everyone who has visited and brought yummy things to eat! She is overwhelmed by your generosity and thoughtfulness...

: ) Suzanne (Kim's secretary)

1 comment:

Rose Machamer said...

Hi Kim and your family. I just wanted to send you my wishes for encouragement. I'm in the same boat you are in. On March 24 09 I had a spontaneous detachment of the retina in my right eye with the macula affected -- in less that 24 hours I had almost total sight loss and scared to death. Had a pneumoretinalplexy (sic) which failed and had to have a vitrectomy a week later. I'm now almost 8 weeks post surgery and things have gotten better visually -- but slowly. I've developed a cataract and that is causing problems with my visual acuity.

It's very frustrating as well as depressing. My sight is distorted, wavy, blurred, cloudy and colors are off. It drives me crazy when I get the "I don't know" response to my questions from my doctors. I understand that they just don't know -- no one knows what vision will return only time will tell.

I just needed to tell you that the road you are on is not easy, but you are no alone. Honestly, I'm on the same path, just a few steps ahead of you. I'm currently facing cataract surgery on Tuesday because the cataract developed so quickly that my vision is rapidly decreasing. I'm scared but I have to go forward -- and you do too. Don't give up hope and try to stay positive. I understand what you see (don't see) and feel.
