Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It isn't about me anymore... (e-mail from 3/10/09)

the update . . . . Oh, where to begin . . . We did arrive back very late Friday night and werefeeling good about things. For those of you that don't have the background, thesigns were positive that I would be able to start the trial chemo drug thiscurrent week and there was great relief for having completed all the tests.On Monday, (yesterday,) I made a visit to my eye doctor for him to laser all thetumors in my right eye prior to starting the drug (this does not include theoptic nerve or macula, these are untouchables). The Doctors at NIH were theones that had suggested continuing the treatment he was doing as it was thecorrect treatment for these other eye tumors. After having the laser done and on my way home, the phone rang and it was NIH.It was not good news. After the doctors looked at my scans from Friday nightand all the doctors pow wowed, they determined that it was too much of a riskfor bleeding or a stroke due to my brain tumors. This was frustrating andshocking given the clearance that had been told to us while we were at NIH.We continue to brain storm and are trying to get more information about why Idid not make it into the trial. I have not given up 100% hope yet, but I thinkwe will know more details as some days go on. I plan to speak to the NIHneurosurgeon after receiving the MRI results.I believe things happen for a reason, so stay tuned for the next episode! Saysome prayers that research progresses rapidly. All My Best-Kim

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